Scientific Testing and Research

Tesla Plates and Discs are in real life use over 50 years. Many customers as well as institutions done some research on it. Some of the researches are just amateur and enthusiastic, but there are also Scientific research as well as clinical.

Scientific researches were done in France and Australia, many years ago, where Tesla plates and discs showed us amazing effects. Clinical study was done in Serbia, in 1994, also with great results. Many of the researches use Kirilan photography to show energy increase when Tesla plates and discs are near organic tissue – human, animal and plant.

There are also many researches with new quantum devices and equipment, showing us also great positive benefits and effects, but these are not accredited from institutions.


Scientific Research in France

Bioelectrical field of fingertip (aura), shown on GDV camera, before use of Tesla Plate

Bioelectrical field of fingertip (aura) shown after 45 minutes of using Tesla plate

Quantum Energy Testing with Bio-Well Device of Phd. Konstantin Korotkov

This research of our Tesla369® Purple Plate was done in Germany, Amorbach.

It shows increase of energy, balance and overall sense of wellbeing.

Note: In these researches, there are not any health claims, but when a person is in positive energetic field – cell regeneration process is increased. As we mentioned before on website and User Guide, Tesla Purple Plate and Disc are not substitute for conventinal medicine, but helping aid asset which helps us to remain on high energy levels. 

Scientific Research of Tesla369® Solar Disc


Scientific Research of Tesla369 Solar Disc® was concluded from 9th to 18th October in Institute BION, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Institute of Bioelectromagnetics and New Biology BION used BionEvapo® method to research Tesla369 Solar Disc® for subtle influence on dynamic water structures.

Here are some of the images of the Scientific Research.

Here is the summary of the Scientific Research.

Click on the image below to enlarge it

Certificate No.0402

Subtle influence on dynamic water structures

Click on the image below to enlarge it

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